
This project is about to intergrated two parts from different objects and make creation based on that.My partner, Yuqing Liang has created a deer and i created a woman who is practicing yoga. Scketch deer

Design Process

In my observation, I found these two obejcts are all cartoonlized. So I decided to stitch them together by using photo clip. In order to create a kind of animation effect, I also use image clipping to made the background. To get the right angle of the pictures, I used Photoshop to crop each images. We did not exchange the creation stories during class, so I made this project by my own creativity. In my inmagination, this project presents a anthropomorphic deer doing yoda at home in a form of cartoon. She was listening to the music, the bird flew over her balcony. In this sunny afternoon, she practicing yoga at home.

Ti nabafe rhe various parts of the code conveniently, I creat a seperate function, drawDeer().I used mousePressed function to make the change of music nots, the flying bird and the movement of the deer's arm.


Through this project, I learned that photo editing can also present ideas in a very different way. Through the process of image re-creation, existing things are be givin a brand identification. By doing this project, I also found that I am still relatively weak in using p5.js for drawing. Thus, I should practice more in the future.